We are pleased to inform you that all the presentations from the conference Appraising Critical Animal Studies (7th EACAS Conference) which took place online on 24 and 25 June 2021 are now available to view on YouTube or below:

Day 1 (Thursday 24 June 2021)
09:30 – 11:00 PANEL 1 (The Covid-19 Context)
- One [is the] Problem with ‘One Health’: Anthropocentrism as a Barrier to Achieving Multi-Species Global Health in Light of COVID-19 (Donelle Gadenne)
- Absent Agents: Re-Assembling Human-Animal Relations in the Context of Covid-19 (Lena Schlegel)
- Covid as a Reckoning for Animal Advocacy: Addressing the Illegitimacy of Critical Animal Perspectives and Laying the Groundwork for Future ‘Pivotal Moments’ (Paula Arcari)
09:30 – 11:00 PANEL 2 (Activists and Activism)
- (De)Colonizing Turtle Island: Indigenous Veganism and Gender Activism (Denisa Krásná)
- Story, Strategy and Social Movement Organising (Esther Salomon)
- Using Visual Modes of Communication to Contest Normalized Anthropocentrism: An Analysis of Animal Activist Campaigns in Australia (Jane Mummery and Debbie Rodan)
09:30 – 11:00 PANEL 3 (Education and Pedagogy 1)
- CAS, Literature, and the Teachable Moment (Claudia Alonso-Recarte)
- Framing Possums: Observations of Conservation Education in Aotearoa New Zealand and the Potential for Compassionate Conservation (Emily Major)
- Building Effective Alliances: Towards an Educational Reform for Interspecies Sustainability (Maria Helena Saari)
11:30 – 13:00 PANEL 1 (Animal Human Relations)
- Animals for AI – AI for Animals (Leonie Bossert)
- Contesting Human Exceptionalism in Design Research (Michelle Westerlaken and Erik Sandelin)
- Thinking and Feeling with the Animal Archive: A Material-Semiotic Approach for Critical Animal Studies (Seth Josephson)
11:30 – 13:00 PANEL 2 – NOT RECORDED (Exploring De-Colonization / De-Domestication for Animal Liberation)
- De-Domestication Through Human Capacitation (Dorna Behdadi)
- Exploring Spaces of De-Domestication in Education (Helena Pedersen)
- The Concept of De-Domestication Through a Diffractive Reading of Decolonial Theory and Feminist New Materialism (Jonna Håkansson)
11:30 – 13:00 PANEL 3 (Knowledges)
- I Am Vegan, But I Wear Leather: A Systematic Review on Definitions of Veganism Term (Estela Díaz, Gelareh Salehi and Raquel Redondo)
- Challenging Anthropocentrism in Continental Philosophy through Animal Resistance (Lukas Leitinger)
- Animal Intimacies and Animal Liberation: Differences and Challenges in Cross-Disciplinary Work (Stephanie Eccles and Darren Chang)
14:00 – 15:00 PANEL 1 (Animals and Organisations)
- CAS and Media: Critique, Pragmatism and Advocacy (Claire Parkinson)
- Saving Animals or Saving Face? An Analysis of Animal Rights and Tourism Industry Partnerships in Promoting Ethical Animal Tourism (Jes Hooper and Carol Kline)
- A Promising Start: The Case of Critical Animal Studies in Turkey (Sezen Ergin Zengin)
14:00 – 15:00 PANEL 2 (Discourse)
- Where the Animal is Loud but CAS is Silent: A Critical Analysis of Entrenched Anthropocentrism across Contemporary Food Justice Discourse (Abi Masefield)
- NOT RECORDED: On Copies and Originals: Unpacking the Discourse of Naturalness of Animal Products (Kadri Aavik and Kuura Irni)
- NOT RECORDED: Discursive Representation of Pigs, Chickens and Cows in the Digital Edition of the Newspaper El Nuevo Día (Michelle Guzmán Rivero)
14:00 – 15:00 PANEL 3 (Art)
- Resistance Within the Museum Fauna: An Online Live Performance (EvaMarie Lindahl)
- Art After the Animal Turn (Jessica Ullrich)
- Urban Wolves in France: Literary and Artistic Zoopolis of Olivia Rosenthal and Stéphane Thidet (Paulina Szymonek)
16:00 – 17:30 PANEL 1 (Animals and/in Law)
- Animal Personhood: The Quest for Recognition (Macarena Montes Franceschini)
- NOT RECORDED Centering Animality in Law and Liberation: A Multidimensional Liberation Theory for the Zoological Revolution (Paulina Siemieniec)
- Police Brutality and the Nonhuman in the United States (Thomas Aiello)
16:00 – 17:30 PANEL 2 (Representation and Aesthetics 1)
- Who is Sallie Gardner?: Towards a Multispecies Media Studies (Brett Mills)
- Humanimal Poetics: Femininity, Animality and Pathology at the Species Border (Jessica Holmes)
- To Represent a Cow (Kristina Meiton)
16:00 – 17:30 PANEL 3 (Sociology 1)
- Animals and Society: Through the Lens of the Holy Trinity (Jennifer Rebecca Schauer and Madeleine Palmer)
- The Future of Feminist Sociology is Animal (Katja M. Guenther)
- Where are the Nonhuman Animals in the Sociology of Climate Change? (Richard Twine)
17:30 -17:45 Round-up and Poetry by Grdon Meade
20:00 – 22:00 Roundtable on CAS and Education
Featuring Dinesh Wadiwel, Vasile Stanescu & Helena Pedersen
Day 2 (Friday 25 June 2021)
09:30 – 11:00 PANEL 1 (Representation and Aesthetics 2)
- Representation, Form, Politics: What Next for Literary Animal Studies? (Dominic O’Key)
- A Critical Review of Music for Animals (Martin Ullrich)
- Animation, Animal Rights, and Social Change: Initiating Conversations on Why Animals Matter (Rajlakshmi Kanjilal)
09:30 – 11:00 PANEL 2 (Food)
- Could Yoga be a Promising Pathway for Animal Inclusion? (Jenny Mace)
- The ‘Ethically’ Consumable: Frames, Knowledge Production and Power Relations Surrounding ‘Food Animals’ in the Swedish Organic Sector (Josefin Velander)
- “I Am More than Just Food!”: What Human-Eating Monsters Can Teach Us at the Intersection of CAS and Literary Studies (Xiana Vázquez Bouzó)
09:30 – 11:00 PANEL 3 (Sociology 2)
- Readings of Marx in Critical Animal Studies: Appraising Traditions and New Directions (Chiara Stefanoni)
- Animal Appearances in Sociology: Observations on Animals in Sociological Texts from the 19th until 21st Century (Salla Tuomivaara)
- Addressing Ethical Bias of Professionals Using Animals (Tereza Vandrovcová)
11:30 – 13:00 PANEL 1 (Power)
- Towards a Holistic View of Power: Human and Non-Human Power (Michal Rotem)
- Beyond Intersectionality, Towards Interconstitutionality (Pablo Pérez Castelló)
- Bare Life Laid Bare: Human Sovereignty and Animal Abjection in the Context of the Global Coronavirus Pandemic (Zipporah Weisberg)
11:30 – 13:00 PANEL 2 (Representation and Aesthetics 3)
- Canine Tooth: Human-Canine Vulnerability and Aggression in Amores Perros (2000), Wendy & Lucy (2008) and Los Reyes (2019) (Borbála László)
- A Literary Analysis from the Perspective of the Horse in Anna Sewell’s Black Beauty: The Autobiography of a Horse (Elisabeth Kynaston)
- Animal Aesthetics and Animal Ethics: Exploring Connections (Marta Tafalla)
11:30 – 13:00 PANEL 3 (Heterotopia 1: Sites, Spaces, and Practices of ‘Undoing’)
- Vegan Vloggers’ Narratives: Heterotopias for Ending the Commodification of Animals? (David Felipe Martín García and Estela Díaz)
- Family as Sanctuary, Sanctuary as Community: Two Models of Multispecies Relations for Nonhuman Animal Liberation (Maria Martelli)
- Re-Making Domestic Natures: Multispecies Life and Care at the Sanctuary (Marie Leth-Espensen)
14:00 – 15:00 PANEL 1 (Ethics)
- Expressions of Animal Ethics: Animal Sanctuaries, the Case of Spain (Alberto José Franco-Barrera and Joaquín Fernández-Mateo)
- Animal Rights, Justice, and the Future of Food (Josh Milburn)
- Until Every Cage is Empty: Animal Liberation, Prison Abolition, and The Wages of Humanness (Vasile Stănescu)
14:00 – 15:00 PANEL 2 (Gender and Feminism)
- Middle Eastern Women’s Attitudes and Perceived Barriers of Becoming Vegan and Publicly Maintaining their Lifestyle Decisions (Gelareh Salehi and Estela Díaz)
- Animals in His-Story: How Animal Exploitation Shaped the Oppression of Men (Laura Schleifer)
- The Complicated Sex Lives of Endangered Species: Gendered Rhetoric of Giant Panda Reproduction in Captive Breeding Programs, 1985-2020 (Meg Perret)
14:00 – 15:00 PANEL 3 (Heterotopia 2: Imagining Liberated Animal Futures)
- Animal Agency, Animal Resistance (Todd C. Simmons)
- “But, What Would Happen to the Veterinary Profession?”: A Radical Imagining of the Contemporary Western Veterinary Profession Post-Animal Liberation (Donelle Gadenne)
- NOT RECORDED: What if Francis Power Cobbe Had Won?: Looking to the Past to Actualize a Future Beyond Experiments (Mitch Goldsmith)
16:00 – 17:30 PANEL 1 (Education and Pedagogy 2)
- Nonspeciesist Rhetorical Theory and Pedagogy: A Programmatic Agenda (Cristina Hanganu-Bresch)
- Teaching as Activism: Dismantling Speciesism in the Humanities Classroom (Elizabeth Tavella)
- Friends of the Jaguar: Discussing Interspecies Ethics and Post-Anthropocentric Perspectives with Children from a Brazilian Public School (Mariah Peixoto, Tânia Regina Vizachri, Luís Paulo de Carvalho and Adriana Regina Braga)
16:00 – 17:30 PANEL 2 (Representation & Aesthetics 4)
- The Interwar Period United States’ Guide Dog Movement as Enhancing and Complicating Understandings of the Human-Animal Bond: Researching and Analyzing a Case Study Representing an Intersection of Critical Animal Studies and Critical Disability Studies (Eric Deutsch)
- The Representation of Animal Activists in US Animal Advocacy Documentaries (Núria Almiron, Laura Fernández and Olatz Aranceta-Reboredo)
- Mixed Media Messages: Representation of Nonhuman Animals on Children’s TV (Lynda M. Korimboccus)
16:00 – 17:30 PANEL 3 (Heterotopia 3: Pathways to Liberated Animal Futures)
- I Couldn’t Lie Anymore So I Started to Call my Dog God (Alexandra Isfahani–Hammond)
- NOT RECORDED: Bully Goes Fishing: Prefigurative Prototyping in Ahuman Design (Erik Sandelin)
Source: Youtube Channel of the Centre for Human-Animal Studies (CfHAS)