Archive | January 2014

Call for papers: Critical Animal Studies Europe

Dear colleagues and friends,

The third European Conference of Critical Animal Studies, which took place in Karlsruhe, Germany, in November 2013, co-organized by the Institute of Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis, was dedicated to the relation between critical animal studies and technoscientific developments. The conference engendered a number of fruitful debates among the participants which we are now hoping to evidence and extend with an anthology of texts on the subject. We therefore invite all participants of the conference, as well as other CAS scholars working with the theme to which the conference was dedicated, to submit a paper for the book “The Challenge of Technoscience and Critical Animal Studies” (working title), eds. Arianna Ferrari and Kris Forkasiewicz.

If you would like to submit a paper, please indicate your interest with an (updated) abstract of approx. 250-500 words via email to before 15 April 2014. Those who will be invited to contribute a chapter to the volume are asked to send in their full paper before 30 September 2014.

The length of your paper should be approximately 5000-7000 words (including references and footnotes).In case you would like to include pictures, graphs and tables, please shorten the text accordingly or ask the editors for further information. Please find attached a pdf version of this call for papers with the abstract of the book.

We are much looking forward to hearing from you.

we are letting the cfp as pdf circulate, please write me if you want also the complete pdf withh the abstract of the book

Please help us to let this cfp circulate among scholars!


Proposals open for next CAS European conference

After the success of the previous three European Conferences (Liverpool, Prague and Karlsruhe) and many of the same people meeting again at Minding Animals 2 (which took place in Utrecht, July 2012) as well as the postgrdaute conference in Exeter, UK (March 2012) we are now welcoming ideas and proposals for the next European Conference. We are looking for a new hosting country (this presently rules out the UK, the Czech Republic and the Germany). We anticipate a conference happening in late 2014 and we are also interested in receiving appropriate themes for the meeting.

The organisers of the previous conferences look forward to passing on their experience and expertise in order to help the new team.

Please send your ideas to by March 31st 2014.
